Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

The best picture we got of all 3 boys Easter Sunday.

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

Jacob seemed excited about getting a VeggieTales movie in his Easter basket.

This year Jacob participated in his first Easter egg hunt, and then 2 more!
The first Easter egg hunt was with friends and Jacob had not a clue what he was doing. After A LOT of coaxing he finally picked up an egg, but when it opened up and he found candy inside that was all he cared about. I got him to pick up 1 more egg but he was done at that point. Then we realized that we needed to teach him how to "hunt" for eggs. It took a few practices, but we finally got him to pick up eggs and put them in a basket we carried around for him.

The second egg hunt was a community hunt at a local church. Jacob actually did pretty well and got 6 or 7 eggs. His third egg hunt was with Justin's cousin's kids on Easter. I think he was done with egg hunts at this point. He kept wanting to play with leaves instead.

Leaves in the basket, egg outside on the grass

We're glad we were able to spend Easter with family (especially since that means more people to hold babies).


Frost Fam said...

So cute! The boys look great and it sounds like Easter was fun :)