Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fertility Clinic picnic

Every year the fertility clinic we have gone to throws an annual "baby shower" for all the people they have helped have kids. It is their way to see all the families that they have helped to create. This isn't just for the ones who have had babies over the last year, it is for anyone who has ever had a baby through their services. We went when Jacob was a baby and thought how great it would be when Jacob was a bit older.

Besides the fact that it was his nap time, I think he had a great time!

Petting all the animals (although he really just wanted to play with the feed):

In the bounce house:

Swinging like a big boy (I snapped this picture probably 1 minute before he fell off the swing on onto his face - poor kid):

Riding the train:

Thanks to my mom for going with us so that someone could be following Jacob around and we still had 1 adult for each baby!


Amy said...

What a fun party! Glad you got the swing picture before the face plant - he looks like he was having lots of fun.