Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two months old

The twins hit 2 months on Saturday!

Joel at 2 months:

Jeremy at 2 months:

In my last post I wrote about what good babies we had. We have learned that they were just tricking us into thinking that twins were easier than people had led us to believe. To say the last month has been hard would be an understatement. More on that in a minute.

Yesterday the twins were all measured:
Joel weighed in at 10 pounds 9 oz (26th %-tile), measured to be 22 in long (15th %-tile) and had a head circumference of 37 cm (5th %-tile).
Jeremy weighed in at 10 pounds even (15th %-tile), measured to be 21.5 in long (6th %-tile) and had a head circumference of 37.5 cm (10th %-tile).

The big milestone for the last month is that both the babies have started smiling. We really thought that Joel would be the first because he was the first to start following objects with his eyes and was the most alert. But Jeremy beat him to the punch. Jeremy gave me a great smile on April 14th. Joel gave me a smile on April 19th. However, I do have to say on Joel's behalf, I think he has thought he was smiling long before that. He has long been giving us the funniest faces with his eyes wide and his mouth forming on "O". I think he thought he was smiling all that time.

So, what changed in the last month to make us realize just how hard it is to have twins? They got super fussy. And sometimes it wasn't just fussy, it was all out screaming. According to the doctor yesterday, they aren't colicky because a colicky baby is happy in the morning and sometime in the afternoon/evening they start screaming uncontrollably until sometime that night when they pass out from exhaustion. This is not what our babies do, therefore they are not colicky.

It is hard to find a time when our babies are happy. They spend a lot of time fussing. And at no set time the fussiness would turn into screaming. We typically have screaming at some point in the morning and in the evening, but it is not something you could set your clock to. When they are unhappy, they really want to be held close, but it is hard to find the right position for them. And it is impossible to hold both and calm both at the same time. Sure, you can hold them both - but you won't calm either of them down that way.

Some of their other behaviors are pointing to reflux, although they are exhibiting different symptoms. We put them both on Zantac yesterday and are hoping to see some improvement over the next few days. Fingers crossed, because I have to tell you - our house is not very fun these days.


Amy said...

OK - we're keeping them crossed :)

Those boys are still just as cute as ever. Did Jacob have a fun Easter?

Wendy said...

I hope this passes soon for you. We tried Colic Calm, Zantac, Prilosec, and at least a couple dozen other comforting techniques (refux wedges, warm compresses on tummy, massage, swaddling, etc, etc, etc), but for Xander the colic/reflux/fussiness lasted from 3 weeks until 4 months. Now he's the happiest baby I've ever seen. I hope it doesn't last that long for you. The main thing I learned from it was that you can't do it alone. Get help from everyone that will offer and if you can, hire someone to come and give you a break and just walk or run errands or take time for yourself. I drove myself insane by not getting enough help. I will be thinking of you and saying prayers that this doesn't last long for you. Your boys (all three) are absolutely precious! Much love and hugs to you and Justin!

Cyndie said...

Elliott had reflux and it is hard. I can't imagine going through it with 2. Keeping my fingers crossed that the meds work. I love their dark hair! They are adorable!