Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was my 24-week appointment as well as my 1 hour glucose screening for gestational diabetes. Everything looks pretty good - baby boy's heart rate was 146 bpm today.

The bad news is that I failed the glucose test and therefore have to go in for the 3 hour test next week. I was actually pretty sure that I was going to fail for a couple reasons. The biggest reason is one of the reasons we weren't able to get pregnant without help - I have PCOS which greatly increases the chances of gestational diabetes.

Even though I was pretty sure I was going to fail the test, I have been trying to limit my sugar intake so I would have a chance at passing. Maybe that is why I was so close! My level was 147 and anything over 135 is failing. I hope that being so close is good news for the 3 hour test for next week.

The other interesting thing lately is that I have developed a wicked case of carpal tunnel. My hands go completely numb as I sleep and it usually wakes me up around 5 am. At first I could move my fingers a little to make the numbness go away and go back to sleep, but then it got a bit worse and I actually have to get up for a couple minutes to get my hands to feel like normal. The last few mornings it has gotten even worse and along with the numbness I have pain in my wrists. My doctor told me that I could get braces for my wrists at a local drugstore, but considering the fact that propping my hands up doesn't help there is a good chance the braces won't help much either. Here's to 16 more weeks of numb hands and sore wrists when I should be sleeping!


Stephanie said...

Two huge bummers! Oh, the whoas of pregnancy! I have carpal tunnel flare-ups every so often and the braces have been helpful for me. I think they help keep the nerves straight and all that good stuff. I also take an anti-inflammatory, but I don't know which are safe to take while pregnant. Hopefully, nothing else will go wrong!

Lisa said...

Oh yuck! Neither of those sounds fun. At least with my bad tail-bone I was OK if I was up and moving around. I hope your wrists feel better soon, and that you next blood test goes better. (What do they do to you if you fail that one?)

kristi said...

Ughh..with my last pregnancy I had the numbness bad too. I would wake up several times in the night with a numb arm all the way up to my shoulder. It was so annoying and painful! Unfortunately, it never went away. I just tried to avoid sleeping on my side, but hello..when you fall asleep, who knows what happens! You just can't control it! So sorry.

And thanks for the tip on the cinnamon rolls. I was actually wondering if that was a possibility - now, I know!

Crystal said...

I have had problems with this throughout the years and Rich had some trouble a few years ago too.
I know how painful it is and how annoying it is to have to get up out of bed to get relief from the pain when your are so tired.
Both Rich & I used the braces and they did help, although it took a few nights to get relief if I remember correctly.
Keep me posted about the glucose levels. I know that it sounds crazy, but my glucose get higher when I go too long without eating so it is very important that I have a snack before bed.

Emily said...

I failed the first test too. I don't know anyone really that passed it. I wouldn't worry too much. I think your numbers are close to mine. I passed the 3 hour and everything is fine. Good luck! I had to take the 3 hour twice cause I took it too early the first time. I know what you mean about numbness too. I have it in my hips. At least there's a great prize at the end of all the discomfort!

KimberLeigh said...

Oh man! That is crappy!! Gotta love PregnancyLand and all of it's gifts! :) But that sounds nasty and painful. I'm totally sympathizing with you, however! You have me complete with violin and tears in tow! I can't believe how messed up my body is this pregnancy! :)