Monday, February 4, 2008


We had an interesting evening yesterday. On our way home from church we picked up a stray dog - more on that later. When we got home, we realized that the house was uncomfortably warm. In fact, upstairs it was 83 degrees even though we had the thermostat set at 77.

Before calling into our home warranty with a claim on the air conditioner, I decided to go outside and investigate. Take a look at what I found.

That's right - Colby has chewed through the wires that connect the unit to the house. We are currently waiting for a repair person to come out and hoping that it doesn't cost too much to repair. We will also be heading to Home Depot tonight so we can buy supplies to build a new fence that separates the air conditioning unit from the rest of the backyard so this doesn't happen again.


Sherry Ashford said...

I would be so mad. Then again Baxter has chewed through several remote controls, a few of Rick's headphone, and most recently his bluetooth earpiece.

But they are such cute dogs!!