Friday, July 27, 2012

The twins' birthday party

For Jacob's first birthday we only invited family over and we decided to make it a tradition by doing the same for the twins.  And similar to Jacob's first party, I kept things simple - no decorations except some balloons and most of my effort went into the cake(s).

One big cake for everyone else, a little cake for each birthday boy
Joel and his little truck

Jeremy and his little truck

Tentative about digging in

Yummy cake

Joel is just about finished

Jeremy actually threw his cake off the tray - definitely done
The babies woke from their morning naps, we all had lunch, then opened presents, then had cake.  All pretty low-key.  After cake the babies took baths and went down for their second naps.  

We are grateful for our family that made the effort to come celebrate with us.  And also for everyone who helped us get through the year that led up to this celebration!


Amy said...

Love those cakes! You are amazing.