Joel - 2 weeks |
Jeremy - 2 weeks |
Joel - 1 month |
Jeremy - 1 month |
Joel - 2 months |
Jeremy - 2 months |
Joel - 3 months |
Jeremy - 3 months |
Joel - 4 months |
Jeremy - 4 months |
Joel - 5 months |
Jeremy - 5 months |
Joel - 6 months |
Jeremy - 6 months |
Joel - 7 months |
Jeremy - 7 months |
Joel - 8 months |
Jeremy - 8 months |
Joel - 9 months |
Jeremy - 9 months |
Joel - 10 months |
Jeremy - 10 months |
Joel - 11 months |
Jeremy - 11 months |
Joel - 12 months old!!!!! |
Jeremy - 12 months old!!!!! |
Joel is our little guy out of the twins. He weighed in on his birthday at 18 pounds, 14 ounces (1 oz more than Jacob did at 1 year) putting him at 5th percentile for weight. He is 29 inches tall and his head is 45 cm.
Jeremy,on the other hand, is my biggest kid at 1 year old. He weighed in at 20 pounds, 8 ounces - 23rd percentile!!! He was also 29 inches tall and head 45 cm.
Joel is so full of facial expressions - I wish we were able to capture them on film. But when we pull out the camera he usually has the same wide-eyed expression on his face. Or a big smile. Or he crawls away.
Jeremy is still our smiley boy. And when he is really happy the smile just takes over his whole face, then his whole body. It is awesome.
Joel is our little bully. For months now he has been stealing Jeremy's binky from him and "playing" with people by rolling all over them on the floor. And just recently Jacob has decided that if rolling all over someone is playing with them, he will play with the babies. If Joel is in a good mood he and Jacob will laugh and laugh while this happens. If Joel is not in a good mood he cries and Jacob just keeps trying to "play" with him - maybe Jacob thinks he can get Joel to change his mind and laugh?
Jeremy doesn't like being bullied and being rolled on. Luckily Jacob leaves him alone more than he does Joel. Jeremy prefers to look at books a lot.
As of their birthday, each baby is going strong with 4 teeth. Both of them look like there are 2 more on the top that keep trying to make an appearance, but they haven't finally broken through yet.
Joel is our screamer. It started a long time ago, but if he doesn't like something he starts doing this baby scream. If it didn't happen so often you might think it was cute. But no, it is sort of ear-piercing.
When Jeremy is sitting and you reach out to lay him back (for a diaper change or to give him a bottle) he pretty much just falls straight back. I expect it now, but the first few times he was lucky I caught him before he slammed his little head onto the floor.
Joel is starting to talk!!! This is so amazing to me. But sad at the same time. I worry that it won't take long for Joel's language skills to surpass Jacob's. As of his birthday, Joel will say "uh-oh" if something falls (or if he throws something). He will also wave and say "bye-bye". I don't really think "uh-oh" is a word so I consider "bye-bye" to be his first word. A few days after his birthday we could get him to say "up". Joel is also doing the signs for "more" and "eat".
Sadly, Jeremy is not talking or doing any signs. And also sadly I have been here before.
I don't know what these kids' favorite things to eat are. Except for the little baby snacks that look like cheese puffs. They get soooo excited when they see those. We have good eating days and bad eating days. Not sure if is a texture thing or what, but not a huge fan of most fruits or vegetables. Boo.
Nights are still up in the air as well. We never know when the babies will sleep through the night or when one or both will wake up crying during the night. Typically if they wake up it seems like they has gas. After a few toots and some cuddling we can typically get them back to sleep, but sometimes one of them needs a little milk to help him calm back down and get to sleep. Joel has woken up super early a few times (meaning 4:30 or 5) and completely refused to go back to sleep. In fact - he did this on his birthday too. Little punk.
I feel bad that it took me so long to get this up here. And I'm also almost 2 months late on a 15 month update on these boys. Hopefully soon though!
I look forward to these posts. You had such a great idea to photograph them next to that elephant every month. You can really see how big they are - they look huge next to the elephant.
I think uh-oh is a word. What a big boy to be signing and talking already. They grow up so fast. My baby turned 5 on Monday!
So glad that Jacob is playing with his brothers. I bet that just brings a smile to your face to see it.
Hope to hear more soon . . .
I just realized that I wasn't logged in as me for that comment. Sorry!
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