Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Inevitable

32 weeks today!!!

As soon as we knew for sure we were really having twins this time, I knew that at some point in time I would be put on bed rest. I have quite a few friends who have had twins and most of them either spent time on bed rest (a lot of time on bed rest) or had their babies really early. I only know a couple people who carried twins full-term (at least 37 weeks) without bed rest.

At first I said that my goal was to make it through teaching last semester before I was put on bed rest, then I said that I hoped to get through 2010 without being on bed rest. For the last several doctor's visits I have had a bag packed just in case I wasn't sent home and was sent to the hospital instead.

Even though I was trying to be prepared for being put out of commission, the further that I got in the pregnancy the more I thought that maybe I would be one of those amazing stories of being pregnant with twins and never being on bed rest and carrying the twins to at least 37 weeks. I had after all been taking it easy almost the entire pregnancy as it is.

Yesterday, the day before I hit 32 weeks, that all changed. My back had been killing me all weekend and when I told my doctor she got a little concerned that I was experiencing some pre-term labor. Sure enough, I was dilated 1 cm. My doctor sent me over to the hospital to be put on a monitor for an hour to make sure I wasn't having frequent or strong contractions. After being on the monitor, the decision was made that I didn't need to be admitted to the hospital but I am on moderate bed rest. I can take a shower everyday and be up a bit, but I need to stay down as much as possible and no more lifting anything much over the weight of a gallon of milk.

This means that I can no longer take care of Jacob everyday. Luckily, Justin's step-mom is available to come stay with us for a while and help us out for now and then my mom will be able to come out as well.

My doctor told me it is only for 2 weeks and that she just wants to make sure I make it to 34 weeks for lung maturity. Even though Jacob didn't have to be on a breathing tube or anything like that, I still really want to make it further than 34 weeks but I don't think I am counting on 37 anymore.


Amy said...

So glad you can still be home. The hospital gets old REALLY fast.

White Folk said...

We love you and those little ones you're looking after! We will be prayin for a peaceful and quick 34 weeks to arrive. :)

Jami said...

You can do it! Moms are wonderful. Our moms saved us during my bed rest. Hang there!