Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today, Jacob:
woke up at 5:40am and decided he was up for the day;
was super fussy all day and acted like he is cutting some more teeth;
cried that he was hungry but would only eat 2-3 bites of rice cereal (for both lunch and dinner) and wouldn't drink much formula either;
wanted me to hold him, but as soon as I would pick him up he wanted to get away from me.

kept nudging Jacob when I would set Jacob down on the floor, causing Jacob to cry;
wouldn't stop licking Jacob's face even when I would swat at him to get him to stop;
went digging outside in the mud and then came and tracked it into my house.

washed 2 loads of laundry but didn't fold it;
found a line of ants coming from a spot where the carpet and tile meet - intent on Colby's food;
decided to make cookies instead of cleaning my house and accidentally used baking powder instead of baking soda causing the cookies to not be as good as they should be;
missed Justin all day and even now at 9:40pm am wondering when he will be coming home from work.

At least the cookies look good:


Emily said...

Ugh. I remember a few times when Josie would decide to get up before 6. Yuck. I found it helped to put her to bed earlier. Hope he sleeps better for you today! Also, the Eeyore costume is adorable!

Crystal said...

The cookies are so cute!! Hope you had a better day today.

KimberLeigh said...

Exactly: at least the cookies look good!! Heh. Craptacular day you had there!! xoxoxo