Monday, July 27, 2009

4 weeks to go

Four weeks from today I will be rejoining the workforce.

I am a little nervous about it.

Justin and I had discussed before Jacob was born whether or not I would return to work afterward and we decided that we would see where things led us. A few months ago we decided that it would be nice if we had a little extra income so we could be saving for a bigger vehicle. Both of us have small vehicles and even though mine is older, Justin's is a piece of crap.

So I made arrangements with my boss to teach 1 class that meets 2 nights a week this fall. The good things about me teaching this class are:

  • Class doesn't start until 7:35 pm. Hopefully Justin will be home in time before I have to leave for school (however it is busy season).
  • It won't be a lot, but it will be a little extra income that we can start putting aside for another car.
  • I have taught this class before. Even though I will have to re-write exams for the semester, I am familiar with all the material and the final exam is almost all written (almost because last fall school was canceled for a week due to Hurricane Ike so some of the material didn't get covered and I may end up changing a question or 2 from the final so that info is on there).
  • It will be nice to get out of the house without lugging a diaper bag around.
  • It will be good for my brain not to turn to mush.
The bad things about me teaching this class are:
  • After being assigned the class, I found out that Justin will be out of town the first 2 weeks of the semester.
  • A couple weeks after that I found out that Justin is supposed to go out of town for another couple weeks during the semester, meaning Justin will be gone a fourth of the semester.
  • I am super worried about being prepared for class every day the way I should be. I will have to make sure I am prepared at least a week in advance just in case Jacob doesn't nap or something else makes it so I'm not able to prepare for class the day of. I'm a procrastinator, so I hope that I am always prepared in advance.
I think what I am the most worried about is the fact that Justin will be gone and my whole purpose for teaching at night (as opposed to during the day) was so that Justin would here to take care of Jacob. The plus side here is that I have the best friends ever who have all reassured me that they will be there for me and help me out. It still makes me nervous though since I will need to leave for class around 7pm and I am usually putting Jacob in bed between 7 and 8 every night and this means his night-time routine will definitely hit some bumps those weeks when Justin is gone. I have to admit, I have really been thinking how much easier it would have been for me to teach during the day and find someone to watch Jacob than at night like this.

Let's keep our fingers crossed!


Jen said...

I know it will be hard, but you will be able to manage. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Until this next little guy shows up I've got an empty crib he could sleep in while you're in class. We love ya!

Stephanie said...

Your post made me chuckle in an I-can-totally-relate-kind-of-way. I start teaching again in about 8 weeks and I'm worried about finding the time to prepare, how it is going to work with 4 kids, etc. It sounds like you have some really great friends who are willing to help you out, so hopefully that will make it less worrisome for you when Justin goes out of town. Good luck!

Emily said...

That's great! I hope is all works out! It's good to have a little adult stimulation, too.

Crystal said...

I wish I lived closer or didn't have to work so I could be there when Justin is out of town.

KimberLeigh said...

Hey sweetums, it has been forever since I checked on you on here! So sorry I've slacked.

I worked when Tennyson was little, just teaching one class a semester. He'd not even know I was gone. About the age of 3, he realized it and hated me being gone--and I promptly checked in with the "big man" and I knew it was time to call it quits with working (my self imposed sabbatical, I call it).

Hang in there, Jacob is adorable. In the picture of his next to the elephant he looks like his daddy. But the one of him sort of sideways and looking up, is just like you!!