Thursday, March 11, 2010


Jacob, Colby and I headed over to Austin on Tuesday to see my mom who is watching my nephew Grant while my sister and her husband spend a week in Hawaii (rough life for my sister, right?). I wanted to get some cute pictures of the two cousins playing together, but that ended up being easier said than done.

Here is the best I got of Jacob and Grant together:
"Grant - look at Aunt Julie!" seems to be synonymous with "Grant - run away from Aunt Julie!"

Check out Jacob's hair in the picture above. We know we need to get it cut. It is starting to curl up in the back. But I love it right now and I know that once we cut it, he will look more like a little boy than a baby.I'm not ready for him to not be a baby!


Crafting is my Therapy said...

Nice together pictures! Hahaha. Jacob is growing up so fast. He is so so cute!

Crystal said...

It's not just you, I found out that it's not too often that Grant is staying in one place. Hard to belive that Jacob is 15 months old now.