Monday, November 24, 2008

Back from Florida

The post about our trip to Florida will come a bit later, but here is a little bit of what has been going on with us now that we are back.

We flew back home Wednesday night and came straight home to check on Colby. After he got over the initial excitement of us being back home, the three of us headed out to the car to go grab something to eat. We got a block from the house when we smelled something burning and then a loud noise started coming from under the car. By the way - this is the same car we just drove home from the airport and the same car that had over $1500 worth of work done on it a mere 7 weeks ago.

Using our insurance we had to car towed back to the shop on Friday and today we found out that one of the engine mounts that was put on at the beginning of October broke and a piece of it got stuck somewhere where it completely thrashed one of the belts. Luckily we didn't have to pay for the towing and we also don't have to pay for the car repair, it is just inconvenient to have only one car for now.

While we were in Florida we both started getting sore throats and by Thursday night we were both definitely sick. However, we still left Friday afternoon to head up to Dallas where my mom, and my sisters Sherry and Sheila threw me a little baby shower and we got some great stuff for the baby. We planned to leave my parents' around 8am yesterday morning to return home, but since we are both battling colds we ended up sleeping later than we planned and taking quite a bit longer to get our act together so we didn't leave to come home until close to 2.

This morning I had another visit with my doctor to hear that the baby is growing great, despite the fact the I have only gained about a pound over the past 7 weeks. I really hope to gain no more than 5 more pounds for the last 9 weeks of the pregnancy. Today baby boy's heart rate was 154 bpm. Because I have been sick for a little while, my doctor gave me an antibiotic and something to help with my cough and congestion. Right now Justin is on his way to see our regular doctor to see what they can give him. His immune system isn't in the best of shape ever since he was on such strong meds for his ulcerative colitis and we need him in tip-top shape before he has to go in for surgery #2 on Dec. 9th.

We are hoping to be doing much better by the time Justin's brother and his fiancee come for Thanksgiving.


Laura Gilgen said...

What a week you have had.

Crystal said...

Hope the meds kick in soon for both of you.