Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This post is all about Justin.

For over a year now, Justin has been suffering from some digestion problems. :( After a few visits to our regular doctor, Justin went to see a gastroenterologist. Last year (I think it was October) we found out the cause of his problems was ulcerative colitis and treatment began.

To make a long story short, every medication Justin was put on made him feel a little better for a bit, but then his symptoms would get worse again in which case the doctor would either up his meds, or try a stronger medication. Which means the disease was never in remission and it seems like he was continually building a resistance to the medications he was put on.

Back in May when Justin was doing particularly poorly the doctor suggested that Justin be admitted to the hospital for an undetermined amount of time so that he could go off of all food and be nourished via IV. The theory is that by resting his colon, his colon could finally start to heal. However, May was not a good time for Justin to have to be in the hospital - I was feeling horrible from IVF and needing Justin to give me an injection every night, and Justin's mom, brother and future sister-in-law were coming for a visit. We discussed it and opted for another stronger medication instead.

However, history repeated itself and although Justin felt a bit better for a while recently he has not been doing so well again. Which means that Justin was admitted to the hospital on Monday.

He has been feeling quite a bit better since going into the hospital, however even though it has only been 2 days he would LOVE to have some real food for a change. Not to mention that I am sure he is pretty bored as well, even though he says he is fine with his laptop and the joys of having a Slingbox hooked up to our DVR here at home.

We still have no idea how long he will be there before he is able to come back home. This morning they let him have oatmeal for breakfast and some kind of soup for lunch so we are hoping that means that he will be able to come home soon (we are actually really hoping for tomorrow). I have been going to visit him in the mornings and in the evenings (but I have to teach in the afternoon so it really limits how much time I get to spend with him).

Colby is seriously going through withdrawals from Justin not being here. I guess he has forgotten that Justin used to travel a lot and would only be here on the weekends. When Justin didn't come home on Monday night, Colby chewed his sandal to pieces (something he has never done before) to let him know he wasn't happy with him for not being here.

Here's hoping Justin is back home soon!


Crystal said...

We are glad that there has been improvemnts and are praying that this will be what his body needs to heal.
We wish that we didn't have to work & could come for a visit.

KimberLeigh said...

Julie and Justin, I've been worried and praying for you all week. You guys are in our prayers. I sure hope this will work! GET WELL!!!!

. said...

I am sorry your are sick Justin! I really really really hope you start to feel better soon!