Thursday, November 4, 2010

At the end of September when I went in for my OB visit, they did an ultrasound and told us that Baby A looked like a boy. Baby B was being especially modest. By the way, the nice thing about being a high risk pregnancy is how often I get the see the babies and make sure they are ok. I'm pretty sure I've already had a dozen ultrasounds and I just hit 20 weeks 2 days ago.

I was actually a bit disappointed because Justin and I had our hearts set on having at least one girl this time around. We had really hoped for a girl when we had Jacob, and since we don't think we plan on having any more this was the last chance. But we were hopeful that Baby B would be a girl.

Monday of last week we went in again and learned that both Baby A and Baby B are boys.

I have to admit, I had a tough week last week. I think just about everyone hopes for at least one girl and one boy when they have more than 1 child. You know if I had gotten news that I felt was exciting it would have been up here later that day, not 10 days later. But the fact that I am posting it now should say wonders about how much better I feel about our news.

I have chosen to not allow comments on this post because even though I know that people are trying to be encouraging and helpful, too many things have already been said to me that definitely don't make me feel any better. But in case you were wondering - I am grateful that we are having babies and they look to be healthy; we don't think there will be a next time so this is it; and to tell me that boys are easier and girls are just drama queens also doesn't help.

Here are our babies last week - the top picture is Baby Boy B and the bottom picture is Baby Boy A.

At least we will save some money because we won't have to redecorate the nursery at all.