Monday, March 16, 2009

Three Months Old!

Jacob is now officially not a newborn anymore! On Saturday, Jacob turned 3 months old - here he is next to his elephant.

We took a few different shots and this one was the best one, even though he has a really goofy look on his face. You can really see how he is plumping up! Although he didn't have an official check-up this month, I took him in 2 weeks ago to have his ears checked before we flew out and he weighed in at 10 pounds even! This is the last newborn-sized outfit that he still fits in. Here are some of the other attempts we made at taking his 3 month old picture:

Over the past month Jacob's biggest accomplishments are that he has really started smiling at us and he has even laughed a couple times. And he loves to lay down and play on his play mat a couple times a day - as long as he is wide awake, lay him down when he is sleepy and he doesn't like that at all! Here are a couple pictures of him playing on his play mat.

Jacob continues to sleep pretty well at night and wakes up usually twice a night to eat, although once he slept straight through until 5:30am when we woke him up to eat because we had to leave. That was a very good night!

Jacob is also pretty tolerant of Colby, although sometimes he gets tired of having his head licked. We hope that as Jacob continues to get bigger and be more aware of his surroundings, he and Colby will be best of friends. Here they are together:


. said...

I got your birth announcement today. Jacob looks cute in the picture. I cant believe how big he is getting! He is a cutie.

Crystal said...

He really has grown!!
I like the pictures of him on his mat. He looks so alert.

KimberLeigh said...

i love seeing Jacob's chunky cheeks! Sooo cute. And I love his toes in these pictures!