Sunday, April 15, 2007

A new member in our family: Colby

Yesterday, we adopted a new member into our family. Colby was born on Ash Wednesday, is about 4 pounds and so cute!!!

We have both been wanting to get a dog ever since moving into our house. Then over the past week Justin has made a few comments about needing to get a dog. Yesterday morning he said - today we should go look at some dogs. We did and ended up bringing one home.

So now we are already enjoying all the work involved with having a brand new puppy - including getting up in the middle of the night to take him out and try to get him to potty outside and not on our floor - not working so great right now.

As expected we spent more on the puppy supplies than on the adoption itself. Oh well! :)

Here are a few more pics Julie took of Colby this morning. Isn't he so cute?


Sherry Ashford said...

Really cute!! And they are definitely a lot of work but also a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

Adorable! Quite the puppy - a poser! Likes nibbling ears, I see. Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

Unknown said...

Uh, that was me. Got the nickynames mixed up, there.

Eric the Half-bee said...

Puppies are fun, no? Dawn is still having potty troubles with Violet, 3 months later. I think she has to outgrow being a puppy before she'll clue in. Every time I call home, she tells me how the dog peed on the floor again. So the dog stays maily in the kitchen, because it' easier to clean than carpet.